People don't buy courses, they only buy outcomes.

What is the outcome this course delivers for people?
Everyone of your customers is the hero of a story.
It's their story and they're working hard every day to win that story.

They're looking to you and your course to help them solve a problem that is keeping them from getting there.

Courses help people becomes the person they want to be.
That's why they'll pay for your course.

People will give up their time and money for a result they're hoping to achieve. They don't buy courses because they want to be nice to you.

In this module, we will get clarity on the outcome you provide. What are the best outcomes you’ve delivered? The clearer you can be on the outcome, the more powerful and effective your course will be.

What You'll Learn In This Module

Clearly Define The Outcome Your Course Provides
How To Turn Your Expertise Into Profit
What The Best Storytellers Can Teach You About Sales
Exercise #1: Getting Clear On The Outcome You Provide
Take some time to reflect and write down the answers to the following questions.
  1. What’s the coolest outcome you’ve achieved for someone?
  2. What's the coolest outcome you’ve achieved for yourself?
  3. What's the coolest outcome you’ve achieved for a client?
  4. What do your Google Reviews say about the results you deliver?
  5. Where you’ve had success with patients?
  6. What are you an expert on because you’ve invested countless hours and dollars on CE credits?


If you notice something that keeps coming up, highlight it.

If there is one answer that gives you the most excitement or you think clearly solves the problem you listed from last module, circle it. That's going to be the main outcome you are offering to others.

That's impressive you've had that kind of success already.
As the authority on this topic, you're on your way to impact a whole lot more people.

Take your answers from Exercise #1 and start thinking about how you can do it over and over again (even while you sleep).

You need to create a destination for everyone else who takes your course. Since you're already an expert in getting people to achieve this outcome, let's prepare to take others there too. 

Exercise #2: It's Time To Name Your Course
Take the outcome you provide and use that as your course name.

It's called the "Aspirational Title". It wins every time. When you title your course by the outcome you provide, the good news is:

  • You don't have to be clever.
  • You don't have to be creative. 
  • You don't even have to be cute.
  • You only have to be clear

Write the name of your course on your worksheet or notepad.

You can always change it later. But you need to keep this outcome in mind to keep you focussed.


Here Are A Few Course Title Ideas To Get You Thinking:
Really, it depends on your content but you get the idea.
  • How To Feel Great Working From Pain
  • 5 Home Exercises You Can Do To Put Back Pain Behind You
  • Freedom From Sciatica Course
  • How To Get Back Stronger Than Ever After An Injury
  • Improve Mobility And Strength On The Golf Course
  • How To Live A Healthy, Independent Life After Retirement
  • 5 Steps To Get Your Body Back After Giving Birth
Exercise #3: Determine The Start And The Finish
Get clear on the journey from A to B.

When you start creating a course, you need to know where people are starting and where they are going to be. 

Complete these two sentences:

  • Someone will enroll in this course when they are struggling with ____________________.
  • By the end of this course, I expect that they will experience _____________________.

You now have a clear starting point and a goal to work towards.You're now ready to start putting the content of the course together. But you couldn't have done it without a clear idea of where clients are coming from and where you're taking them.


A Lesson From The Best Storytellers.
We want your course objective to be as clear as possible.

When storytellers and screen writers (or any communicators) are putting their stories together, they follow a storyline. It has a beginning and an ending.

They have all kinds of good ideas along the way but not all those ideas make it. Authors have to remove some of their favourite points. Movie directors have to edit out their favourite lines or scenes.

Public speakers hate that they have to hold back their favourite stories. Why? It doesn’t fit the storyline or the message. If they don’t, they will confuse.

In education, confusion is your villain. 


When you are clear on the outcome, you will have clarity on where you’re taking people.
If something comes up that doesn’t fit in helping people get there, don’t use it.

Leave it for another day and keep your destination clear.

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