When you're trying to develop a website, do you have a plan? Too many people go to create a website without a plan and end up staring at a blinking cursor taunts them saying,
"You have no idea what you're doing, right?"
That's ok. Most of us have no clue how to build out a website. What if you had a guide? You could have at least have some sort of rubric to use that could help make sure you're getting at least some things right. OR, if you're not building the site yourself because you've hired someone else to do it, now you can go through their work and make sure they have some of the StoryBrand principles in place.
It All Starts With The BrandScript
A BrandScript helps you identify the transformation a customer is trying to achieve that will become the foundation of your marketing. We know that a BrandScript is the best tool for optimizing your marketing.
A BrandScript helps you identify:
- who your ideal client is
- what your ideal clients wants to experience in life
- What the external problem is that's holding them back
- What the problem is doing to them emotionally.
- the failure they are trying to avoid
- how to position yourself as the trustworthy guide that has both empathy and authority
- what is your clearest Call to Action so that everyone knows the obvious next step in doing business with you
Let's look at how the answers to all those questions help you create one piece of marketing collateral. In this case, it's your website we are talking about.
Use Your BrandScript To Build Out Your Website
As we talk about on this page, your BrandScript is foundational to your marketing. If you do a good job on your Brandscript, you can transfer your work to your website.
Here's How You Can Apply Your Brandscript To Your Website:
- Do you have a picture or video of “smiling, happy people enjoying your product” as your hero image?
- Does your headline cast a vision for the “happily ever after” your customer wants to achieve?
- Do you have a tagline that clearly describes what you do?
- Is there a direct call to action above the fold on your home page?
- Are there direct calls to action located throughout the various sections of your home page?
- Have you clearly stated the problem that your potential customers are struggling with before they meet you, the guide? (The best place to do this is “below the fold”, underneath your hero image, tagline and call to action)
- Is there one clear idea communicated throughout your home page that is obvious and communicates the happy outcome your customer wants?
- Does every word, button, or image work to somehow establish you as a trusted guide who can lead your client to success?
- How does the information look on the site? Are paragraphs less than three lines long? Are there too many links or columns cluttering the page?
- Have you sprinkled in anything about the consequences for not working with you?
- Are the headlines bold and easy to distinguish?
- Is there a transitional call to action that offers something of value for free that someone would give up their email address for? (Think PDF, Checklist, a video, freebie or a sample of your product)
- Is your transitional call to action connected to an automatic follow-up email system that offers content, engages with the potential client and features direct calls to action?
- Do you have icons, images or badges which show the value that your company offers?
- Do you have some badges which show your credibility as a guide?
- Have you included testimonials that show how you have solved problems a potential client may be facing today?
- Do you have a junk drawer at the bottom with all the random information someone might need quickly (phone, email, location, and anything that doesn’t really fit as the page flows)?