You don't have to try this alone.

If you’re struggling to weave a compelling story through all your marketing, we’re going to give you a step-by-step guide.

If you love the book Building A StoryBrand but are having a hard time applying the principles to each part of your business, this is the course for you.

I’ve been helping business leaders and entrepreneurs just like you apply the framework to all aspects of their business. I hope that you will find the following modules helpful to lead you to the point where you’re not doing the work anymore - you’re just leading a team of people who get it. With the step-by-step roadmap, you’ll know exactly what you need and where you need help to get you there.

Let me give you an overview of the four phases of your development and this course.

Phase One: Get A Clear Message

In this first phase of the course, we will focus on creating a Clear Message for your business. The first step is an obvious one. If you want to apply customer-centric marketing well, you need to first read the book Building A StoryBrand.

Or you can take the BMSU course that’s devoted to your messaging. Both are excellent! It will be hard to understand the concepts without being trained in the framework first. After you have an idea of how story works and why it is so powerful to be the guide, we need to make sure we know who you are talking to.

That’s a big part of communication - know thy Who.

When you clearly define your hero you can have clarity through the whole process that you are targeting the right people. Next, we build out the customer story and create a Brand Messaging Guide. Part of building your messaging includes having a one-liner written down as well as a pitch you can use whenever you’re talking about your business.

Phase Two: The Marketing Essentials

It's important for any business owner looking at building their own site to know what they want from it before starting - but don't worry, we are going to show you the principles for designing an effective layout that will connect with the people you want to reach.

You’re going to learn:

  • how to structure a website (like what pages you need)
  • how to layout a page
  • how to make sure you are leveraging the customer story with the right words and sections

After we have the website mapped out and getting built, we move to the strategy of lead generation.

If someone is not quite ready to move forward with you but they want to learn more, what hook do you have to warm them up to the idea of working with you? In his books, Don recommends having a lead generator, or a transitional 'call to action'.

You’re going to learn some ideas and learn what help you can offer based on some of the problems you know that your customer is facing. Once we have the email address, we follow up with a series of emails to nurture them.

We will talk about what kinds of emails you need to make the biggest impact. That’s all part of phase two, after this phase, you’ll have your marketing essentials secured and ready to go.

Phase Three: Your Ongoing Strategy

Phase three of your marketing plan involves the ongoing work of making sure people are coming to your site. There’s nothing sadder than getting all dressed up on a Friday night but having nowhere to go.

You can look great, but if the phone is not ringing, spending nights at home looking like a ten can be very sad.

You’ve done all this work on your message and making sure you have a structure in place to bring people in, now you need to get them to your site.

We will look at four ways to do this:

  • Content marketing. That’s the ongoing work of being a trustworthy Guide who leads your community.
  • Social media strategy which is the same thing: You show up every day and solve problems.
  • Paid advertising is putting yourself in front of the right people so they can see what you’re doing.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO). It's the process of setting up your website so that Google knows you’re there to help people when they are looking for something.

If you get this right, you’ll know what to write about or post. You’ll be cranking out great content that people love and then they’ll be coming to you like trains in Singapore - there’s another one coming every five minutes.

Phase Four: Build Your Marketing Team

As you go through the course, and it’s not going to be a one-day binge here, you’re going to have everything in place where you’re doing it right. You speak clearly to a clearly-defined niche. You capture their attention, they take your call to action and get results you promise.

Then you have content going out to those people so others just like them see what you’re doing and hire you as well.

Now you’re starting to become known and you’re getting busier than you’d like. You haven’t hit the ceiling of capacity plus there’s more market share to be had because you know there’s more people to help.

As you grow, you’re going to need to build a team to do the work. You’re going to need:

  • A content writer to keep your website, newsletter, and email campaigns fresh.
  • A graphic designer to make sure your stuff looks good.
  • A Social media manager to keep your company engaged in the conversations happening.
  • An SEO Expert to keep your site at the top of Google, someone to set up and manage your paid ads.
  • A StoryBrand Guide/Coach to make sure you are staying customer-centric in all you do, especially your marketing.

That may sound like a lot of salary to take on...but of course you can hire contractors who can work within your budget. The stats tell us that companies who invest at least 15% of their annual revenue back into their marketing grow the fastest. That is, as long as that money is well spent. You can waste a lot of money if you hire the wrong people.

Imagine how great it is going to feel when you’ve gone through all the phases and can look back at the progress you’ve made. It started with an idea that you had to build a business that could help people, hire people and earn a great income for yourself.

This is an exciting journey for you. I’m excited to provide you with a step-by-step roadmap to get you where you want to go with your business.

If you’re going to make the impact and income that you deserve, you need to have a clear idea of the type of person you want to serve.

It starts with a who and that’s what we are going to talk about in our next session.

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