You may have heard it said: "50% of marketing is guaranteed to work. The challenge comes in finding the right 50%."
How do you know if your marketing is the 50% that is going to work? Well, like most people when they're putting their marketing together, they just close their eyes, type a bunch of stuff, cross their fingers and throw up a prayer that it works. We call these: "Random acts of marketing." This approach takes time, it's costly, it barely ever works, and it's lonely.
There's another way. It's called marketing in a community.
Here are some of the benefits:
- When you do your marketing in a community, you don't have to do it blindly. You can get feedback on your ideas.
- You don't have to waste time. You can get on the fast track with proven ideas that could work better than what you would have tried on your own.
- You don't have to do it alone. You can get the support you need from people just like you (and those who have already paid the price for potential mistakes so that you don't have to make them yourself).
A Case Study In Marketing Within A Community
Today I had a bad idea.
It happens. Of course, I didn't think it was a bad idea at the time. In fact, for a few hours this morning, I thought it was a GREAT idea. I thought it was such a good idea that I called up a friend and ran it by him. He set me straight on a few tough truths about my idea and our mutual target market. It was clear that our idea wouldn't work. He had some insight and perspective that I didn't have.
I'm thankful for that conversation. In just twenty minutes, he saved me three important things:
- He saved me a bunch of time because I'm not going to spend any more time thinking about that idea.
- He saved me my reputation because I'm not going to put my name and brand out there over an idea that wouldn't be well received.
- He also saved me a bunch of money because who knows how much I would have invested in building and marketing this idea.
You want to know the idea, don't you? You can ask me about it one day. For now, it's just a case study that we can receive a whole bunch of benefits from doing marketing in a community.
The nice thing about my friend and I's quick chat today is that we came up with a couple killer ideas to replace the bad one. We got two good ideas to pursue instead of one bad one.
Do You Have A Community You Can Trust With Your Good And Bad Ideas?
If you're a fan of Building A StoryBrand, I'm sure you want to get things done as the book lays out. How's that going out there on your own?
- How do you do it right when your curse of knowledge is part of your problem. It was you who wrote all the confusing stuff in the first place.
- It's you struggling to put your pitch together.
- It's you who directed the website to be as confusing as it is.
Why do you think that you are going to be the solution?
Fans of StoryBrand KNOW that the hero can never be the guide. So why are you trying to be your own Guide?
Why not let a community of people who love StoryBrand be your guides?
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, you're welcome to check out two StoryBrand groups. One is free and the other takes an investment of your time and money.
1. StoryBrand Facebook Group
This is a free StoryBrand Facebook group that has been around for four years. It has grown from just myself and my friends to over 2000+ fans of StoryBrand from all over the world. The conversations are meaningful. The resources are there for you. The barrier to entry is quite low.
But it's a free Facebook group and you get what you pay for. You can request to join the group by clicking here.
2. Get Clear Mastermind Group
This is the community that fascinates me the most. It has by far the best people, the most resourceful people, and the ones who are willing to get the most out of their investment. Our Get Clear Mastermind group is small in numbers which ensures everyone can be vulnerable and work together.
In this group we:
- Do weekly Zoom calls
- Do website reviews
- Ask and provide feedback for what we are working on
- Share StoryBrand tips and tricks
- Network to work together as we grow our businesses
It's honestly awesome and there's room for more. We are starting the cost of entry low for our Early Adopters.
You can learn more about the Get Clear Mastermind by clicking here.
You Don't Have To Do It Alone
Marketing your business is a tough gig. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks and responsibilities of trying to do StorBrand right, don’t worry! You don’t have to do marketing alone anymore.
Join one of our groups today. I'd love to see you there.