Has your marketing become stagnant and your mindset stuck?
We'd like to send you 75 emails that will be the catalyst for reviving your marketing. The 75 Step Challenge will give you practical insights and actionable steps to make the changes you need to connect in a fresh way with your customers.
What Can You Expect During This Challenge?
A Message From Jon Morrison, Our StoryBrand Guide
"In over four years as a Guide, I've learned some critical lessons that I think will help some people. I've watched clients who struggle with some part of the framework then overcome to achieve new breakthroughs. They often get so lost in the "big picture" StoryBrand concepts that they stop everything and never pick up again.
What they don't realize is that you can take little steps for a long time and then look back and see how far they've come. I think we can do more in 75 days than you've done since you first read Don's book.
Application makes all the difference. I'm going to show you how to apply the framework to your business so that you can have the best possible start to the new year."